Simon Boyd

24 09, 2024

Government urged to rethink damaging red tape

2024-09-24T15:26:31+01:00September 24th, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Brexit, REIDsteel, business, Dorset, steel, construction, structural steel, cladding, glazing, design, manufacturing, engineering, structural engineering, fabrication,Campaigning business leader Simon Boyd has called on the government to create better regulation rather than more damaging laws.

He has written to the Secretary of State for Business and Trade Jonathan Reynolds, and copied his letter across political parties, warning that red tape is stifling SMEs’ ability to grow, deliver increased tax take to the Exchequer and drive social mobility.

Simon is managing director of Dorset-based global structural steel firm REIDsteel, a trustee of the Jobs Foundation, a non-executive director of Dorset Chamber and was South West regional chairman of Business for Britain.

His comments follow the announcement of the Employment Rights Bill in the King’s Speech introducing a host of reforms in the workplace and after Mr Reynolds defended measures to support flexible working.

Simon said: “If our government is serious about growth, it needs to stimulate the business economy.

“While blanket regulation and economic policy may be less burdensome for large businesses, multi-nationals and the public sector, SMEs suffer disproportionally.

“A one-size-fits-all approach does not work […]

13 03, 2024

Simon has the answers on Any Questions

2024-04-11T10:57:18+01:00March 13th, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Our managing director Simon Boyd was on the panel for the latest broadcast of  the BBC’s Any Questions programme on Radio 4.

He joined  Financial Secretary to the Treasury Nigel Huddleston MP, the Shadow Minister for Industry and Decarbonisation Sarah Jones MP and the Financial Times columnist and economist Soumaya Keynes for the political show.

They took questions on subjects including the Budget, International Women’s Day, Gaza and the general election during the live broadcast from the Mowlem Theatre in Swanage, hosted by BBC political correspondent Alex Forsyth.

It was Simon’s second time on the show after an appearance in 2017.

Alex Forsyth is pictured seated with, from left, Nigel Huddleston, Sarah Jones, Simon Boyd and Soumaya Keynes.


14 04, 2023

REIDsteel statement – Membership of the CBI

2023-04-14T08:48:51+01:00April 14th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

REIDsteel statement – Membership of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI):

Simon Boyd, managing director of REIDsteel, said: “There have been some incredibly serious allegations about completely unacceptable behaviour at the CBI.

“It is shocking and of deep concern to us that such misconduct appears to have been allowed to happen over a number of years.

“There is absolutely no excuse for this type of behaviour at any organisation or business, whether in the City of London or elsewhere.

“It is emphatically at odds with what REIDsteel stands for as a company where values of respect and inclusivity for everyone are non-negotiable.

“Our initial reaction was to break all ties with the CBI, both in terms of our company membership and in my role as a founder member of its manufacturing council.

“However, we have been re-assured by the immediate and decisive action taken by the CBI’s president Brian McBride and its new director general Rain Newton-Smith. This has included a dismissal, suspension of employees and the launch of a root and branch review of its culture and governance.

“They have spoken to us and given us confidence […]

2 12, 2022

Simon back on board at chamber

2022-12-02T14:25:19+00:00December 2nd, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

REIDsteel managing director Simon Boyd has been re-elected as a non-executive director of Dorset Chamber.

Simon was voted back onto the board at the chamber’s annual meeting, along with fellow directors and president Caron Khan, vice-president Tony Brown and new honorary treasurer Lesley Fox.

Simon first joined the board in March 2019 and acts on a voluntary basis as a non-exec director alongside his role as REIDsteel managing director and his many other commitments, including his membership of the Confederation  of British Industry’s (CBI) manufacturing council.

REIDsteel is also a Platinum Business Partner of the chamber, which is Dorset’s leading business support organisation and the county’s voice of business.  The company has also been a sponsor of the chamber-organised Dorset Business Awards.

REIDsteel has the community at its heart and is proud to support its local chamber and help it drive forward the economy.

Dorset is one of the leading chambers in the South West of England and the only […]
8 09, 2022

Energy support package – reaction comment

2022-09-08T18:09:40+01:00September 8th, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Simon Boyd, Managing Director of John Reid & Sons (Strucsteel) Ltd, comments upon energy support measures announced today: 

“Our new Prime Minister’s intervention to freeze energy costs is clearly welcome although it would have been preferable to see the timescale expanded beyond six months for businesses.

“Capping energy costs at the same price per unit that households pay will help and it will be useful to see more details about this in order to gain greater clarity for budgeting over the coming months.

“It is encouraging to see further support promised for vulnerable sectors beyond the initial six months’ package based on a review this autumn, during which time I will forcefully be pressing the case for manufacturing and the steel industry.

“Overall, the new Prime Minister has recognised the necessity of tackling the underlying causes of the energy cost crisis which is critical for the long security of our energy supply and economic resilience to ensure our country is self-sufficient and not at the mercy of international markets or events.”



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