21 04, 2023

REIDsteel resigns membership of CBI

2023-04-21T16:04:39+01:00April 21st, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: |

Brexit, REIDsteel, business, Dorset, steel, construction, structural steel, cladding, glazing, design, manufacturing, engineering, structural engineering, fabrication,

Structural steel firm John Reid & Sons (Strucsteel) Ltd has resigned its membership of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) with immediate effect.

The company left the business lobbying group after further serious allegations emerged about misconduct.

REIDsteel managing director Simon Boyd has also resigned his position as a founder member of the CBI’s manufacturing council.

REIDsteel – which employs 130 people – acted immediately, citing allegations of misconduct at the CBI as completely incompatible with its own company values.

Mr Boyd said: “It is wholly inconceivable that REIDsteel can continue any association with the CBI following the latest, incredibly serious allegations.

“We have taken the decision to resign our company’s corporate membership and my personal position on its manufacturing council with immediate effect.

“The latest allegations are deeply concerning and completely at odds with our company’s values and culture where respect and inclusivity are absolutely paramount.”

REIDsteel previously said that it was reserving judgement about its CBI membership pending further developments.

Simon added: “Our thoughts are with those at the centre of the latest allegations, and […]

14 04, 2023

REIDsteel statement – Membership of the CBI

2023-04-14T08:48:51+01:00April 14th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

REIDsteel statement – Membership of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI):

Simon Boyd, managing director of REIDsteel, said: “There have been some incredibly serious allegations about completely unacceptable behaviour at the CBI.

“It is shocking and of deep concern to us that such misconduct appears to have been allowed to happen over a number of years.

“There is absolutely no excuse for this type of behaviour at any organisation or business, whether in the City of London or elsewhere.

“It is emphatically at odds with what REIDsteel stands for as a company where values of respect and inclusivity for everyone are non-negotiable.

“Our initial reaction was to break all ties with the CBI, both in terms of our company membership and in my role as a founder member of its manufacturing council.

“However, we have been re-assured by the immediate and decisive action taken by the CBI’s president Brian McBride and its new director general Rain Newton-Smith. This has included a dismissal, suspension of employees and the launch of a root and branch review of its culture and governance.

“They have spoken to us and given us confidence […]

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