REIDsteel unveils blueprint for growth
John Reid & Sons Ltd (REIDsteel) has launched new development plans. We’re aiming to move to a new state-of-the-art facility after outgrowing our existing home of more than 50 years in Christchurch.
The proposal is that up to 220 new homes be built on our site in Reid Street after we leave for our new headquarters elsewhere within the borough.
We have commenced consultation about our proposals for housing on the site in Reid Street and intend to lodge an outline planning application by the end of the year.
We’re holding a public exhibition for local residents, businesses and the community from 4pm to 8pm on Thursday 4th October in the community room at Christchurch fire station, Fairmile Road, Christchurch.
Simon Boyd, who is REIDsteel managing director, said: “These exciting development plans will allow our business to invest in the latest technology and increase productivity which will create more jobs and support the local economy while also providing much needed housing.
“It will also mean the removal of an industrial operation from a predominately residential area, and associated reductions in heavy traffic […]